  • 영어 실용 표현
    -Giving directions- ⅰ. Go straight-직진하다 유사표현: walk along/ keep going straight/ go along the way. ⅱ. Turn right(left) or take right(left)-우측으로 돌다 유사표현: You can't miss it-바로 찾으실 거예요 ⅲ. Take(or cross) crosswalk/ pedestrian crossing/ zebra crossing-횡단보도를 이용하세요. ⅳ. Take underpass/ underground passage -지하도를
    2011-05-25 | 800원 | 5p | 실용 영어 표현   영어 실용 표현
  • 영문 BritishCanal영국의 운하)영어작문
    cross the rivers great and small stretched the fish weirs, usually made of stakes and nets or basketwork. Between the owners of the fisheries and the bargemaster who needed an unimpeded passage continuous war was fought, till the importance of fresh-water fish lessened as the practice of fasting ceased to be universal, as meat became available all the year round, and as the transport of sea fish
    2015-05-29 | 800원 | 2p | 영어작문 영문BritishCanal영국의운하 영국의 영문 운하 작문   영문 BritishCanal영국의 운하)영어작문
  • 영문 The Musketeer 머스킷티어 영화 대사
    was your test, not mine. Hyah! Whoa! Why are we stopping? We are emissaries from the King of Spain. I have a document from King Louis guaranteeing me safe passage in France. Whoa! You said there were always or men here waiting to be assigned... and that one could mark this villa... by the men outside begging to call themselves Musketeers. by the men outside begging to call themselves Musketeers.
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 45p | 영문 머스킷티어   영문 The Musketeer 머스킷티어 영화 대사
  • 영문 Leolo 레올로 영화 대사
    passages without really understanding. I remember wanting to give up because there were no pictures. I find my only real joy in solitude. Solitude is my castle. Thats where I have my chair, my table, my bed, my breeze and my sun. I sit in exile. I sit in fake land. Because I dream, I am not. Because I dream, I am not. I had started writing down everything that crossed my mind. My family had becom
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 Leolo 레올로 영화 대사
  • 신념 그리고 신앙 Life is Calling
    Cross in the city. 03/44 Mangalore Photo(2008) The Jyothi Talkies is a popular cinema theatre in Mangalore. 04/44 Life Is Calling 2. 주요 내용 05/44 주요 인물 06/44 필자 현재, 31살.(2006년 현재) 1991년, Kodialguttu에서 살았으며, 16살 때 Mangalore를 떠남 리포터로서 인도 여행을 하고 있음(고향을 15년 만에 방문) 경제가 발전하면서 사라져가
    2016-04-16 | 1,000원 | 47p | 신념 그리고 신앙 Life is Calling
  • 영문 0 BullDurham 19번째 남자 영화 대사
    cross the room. Late afternoon light spills into the room, across fine old furniture, to a small dressing table. A WOMAN applies make up. ANNIE SAVOY, mid 30s, touches up her face. Very pretty, knowing, outwardly confident. Words flow from her Southern lips with ease, but her view of the world crosses Southern, National and International borders. Shes cosmic. ANNIE (V.O. CONTD) I know things. For
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 남자 번째 영문 번째   영문 0 BullDurham 19번째 남자 영화 대사
  • 영문 Hunter 헌터 영화 대사
    cross to the center of the room to a folding table, covered with a large TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP of the Central American highland jungle. Philips leans over the table, circling a set of COORDINATES and a MARK on the open map. PHILIPS Eighteen hours ago I was informed that one of our choppers, transporting three presidential cabinet members from this charming little country, was shot down... (point to t
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 Hunter 헌터 영화 대사
  • 영문 King Arthur 킹 아더 영화 대사
    passage to Rome, Arthur. Argh! Woads! Yaa-rgh! Yah! Argh! Argh! Rus! Aagh! Rus! Rus. Gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus et Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus. Benedictus fructus ventris tui, lesus. Benedicta tu in mulieribus... Save your prayers, boy. Your god doesnt live here. Why did Merlin send you south of the wall? Spill my blood with Excalibur and... make this gr
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 King Arthur 킹 아더 영화 대사
  • 영문 Predator 프레데터 영화 대사
    cross to the center of the room to a folding table, covered with a large TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP of the Central American highland jungle. Philips leans over the table, circling a set of COORDINATES and a MARK on the open map. PHILIPS Eighteen hours ago I was informed that one of our choppers, transporting three presidential cabinet members from this charming little country, was shot down... (point to t
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 프레데터   영문 Predator 프레데터 영화 대사
  • 영문 The VERDICT 심판 영화 대사
    crossed out. He circles one funeral listing. ANGLE Galvin sitting, raises cup of tea to his lips. Looks around deserted coffee shop. Sighs. INT. SECOND FUNERAL HOME AND STREET - AFTERNOON Galvin outside a second funeral home. WORKING-CLASS PEOPLE entering, Galvin enters the home. ANGLE Galvin, coming down the aisle toward the front, shrugging himself out of his overcoat, he approaches the BEREAVE
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 심판 영문   영문 The VERDICT 심판 영화 대사
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